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The Secretariat Team

Secretary General:
Kendrick Tan

Hello participants of SHAMUN XVIII, welcome! My name is Kendrick Tan, and I’m proud to be serving as one of the Secretary Generals.


SHAMUN has consistently been a solid platform for delegates with varying levels of experience to come together and thrive as public speakers, leaders, and diplomats. This year, with the new crisis committee, SHAMUN will continue to provide participating members with an environment that encourages sharp, professional, and passionate debate.


I look forward to seeing you all in December, see you then!





Secretary General:
Shelly Huang

Dear Delegates, Directors, and Guests,


My name is Shelly Huang and it is my honor to serve as the Secretary General of SHAMUN XVIII. This year’s conference will be my second SHAMUN. Over the course of 18 years, SHAMUN has welcomed a variety of new and old delegates alike from high schools in the greater Shanghai region. This year, we are excited to hose four new schools and run a new committee - the crisis committee. If you have any questions that exist regarding topics and procedures. Please feel free to email the secretariat at

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